Submission of manuscripts

Authors are invited to publish presented papers in NIM-A. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically in Microsft Word, Postscript, PDF or LaTeX format, not later than October 31st. The purpose of the extra submission time is to allow the authors to include changes reflecting the results of the discussion during the conference. The paper should be sent by e-mail as an attachment to The accompanying note should contain the title of the paper and the name of the corresponding author. This information must not change after the submission of the abstract. The format of the manuscript should strictly follow the format specified for NIM-A. The guidelines for authors can be found at Elsevier.

The maximum number of pages for the N.I.M. formatted version of the paper (double column plus scaled images) is 8 for the keynote speakers and 6 for the normal contributions. No colour images can be used.

All papers will be subjected to a review process before being accepted for publication.

You can download the MS-Word template for the papers here.

Or you can go to the Elsevier LaTeX page to get more information.

This page last updated: 23-October-2002 webmaster: